As Featured In


Local Expertise

We know everything about Mexico City and we are ex-pats ourselves.


Our team speaks English, Spanish, Greek, French, and German.

Strong Track Record

Everyone from parents to ambassadors have relied on WHM to help them relocate to mexico.


We have cultivated deep relationships with schools, businesses and organizations.

Brand Purpose

We are changing the way you think about relocation.

Our Brand Promise

To make your transition to Mexico as smooth as possible and help you become a part of the community from day one!



Living it up in Mexico City

At Welcome Home Mexico, we believe a true community shouldn't be gated or fenced in – it should seamlessly meld into its surroundings. People should feel safe and be free to walk. To have access to openings and events, eat at the finest restaurants, get home in time for dinner because of minimal travel time, and live in a place where there are other people like them. That's why we chose the beautiful Polanco as our neighborhood.

We would love to learn more about your plans and be the first to welcome you to Mexico.

Book a 1:1 discovery call with one of our experts.